Scheme benefits

Life changes

Life changes can affect your pension in ways you may not have thought of. Here are some of the most common life changes and the things you need to do when it comes to your pension.

Getting married

If you get married or register a civil partnership, please update your details in Benpal or tell the Scheme Administrators as soon as possible.

Your partner qualifies for benefits from the Scheme if you die before them (see Benefits payable after your death) so you’ll need to make sure we’ve got all the details.

Getting divorced

If you get divorced or dissolve a civil partnership, your pension benefits – and your ex-partner’s benefits – can be taken into account as part of a financial settlement.

Tell the Scheme Administrators as soon as possible if you’re divorcing or dissolving a civil partnership.

You should also check your dependants and beneficiaries in case you want to change them. Log in to Benpal and go to My account> Personal details> Add beneficiaries or ask the Scheme Administrators for a new Nomination of Beneficiaries form. Your new form will replace any forms you’ve previously submitted.

Having or adopting a child

Your children may qualify for benefits from the Scheme if you die before them so it’s important that we have their details.

You can update the details of your dependants in Benpal or by telling the Scheme Administrators.

Moving home

If you move home, please update your address details in Benpal as soon as possible or tell the Scheme Administrators.

Updating your address is even more important if you’re no longer paying into the Scheme, but have benefits to take when you retire. Moving home and forgetting to tell your pension administrator is one of the main ways pensions get ‘lost’ as people lose contact with Schemes and forget they have benefits to claim when they come to retire. Please make sure we’ve always got up-to-date details for you.